Herbert E. Douglass, Th.D.

William Miller's home near Hampton, NY

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Heartbeat of Adventism.  An invaluable resource and study tool providing the opportunity to study the important theme of the Great Controversy as it is unfolded throughout the prophetic ministry and writings of Ellen White.  Readers will be provided with the Big Picture from which to frame their quest for Truth.  Pacific Press (2011)  416pp


Red Alert: Hurtling Into Eternity.  Interpreting today's headlines in the light of Bible prophecy. 
The headlines of today's newspapers and television news programs are related to Bible prophecies of the end time.  The author deals with subjects such as:

  • Increased sightings of the Virgin Mary

  • Prominent Christians leaving their Protestant faith to join the Catholic Church

  • The exponential curve of natural disasters

  • Strange weather phenomenon

  • Threat of nuclear war

  • A century of wars

  • The Role of religion in civil unrest and war

  •  ... and much more!  Pacific Press (2011)  192pp



The Jesus Difference What difference does Christ’s High Priestly work make to the tempted, to the suffering, the doubting, those facing death, the lonely – or to those facing career choices, searching for happiness, burdened with feelings of failure?   The Good News didn’t end at the Cross. No, indeed!  For what could be greater Good News than the real and enormous difference Jesus makes this very day in each of our lives, as He stands as our Defender and Advocate in the unseen but very real sanctuary above?  Amazing Facts (2008)


Amazing Facts


A Fork in the Road.   As an eyewitness of the drama surrounding the publication Questions on Doctrine (QOD) in 1957, Dr. Douglass shares his personal experience and insights into the history of QOD. Because so much uncertainty enshrouded the outcome of these events, his noteworthy remarks stem from the fact that he was in the midst of the debate. The current chairman of the Ellen G. White Estate concurs with Dr. Douglass’ account because he, too, observed the history as it happened. Remnant Publications (2007)

Note: Many have written back to me that the publisher’s promo for A Fork in the Road  did not provide an easy way to buy the book. So this is the fastest, cheapest way to get The Fork. Call toll-free: 1-800-423-1319. The book is an enlargement of my presentation at the QOD conference at Andrews University, which highlighted the historic-theologic division that the Adventist Church has lived with since 1957.



Love Makes A Way.  This daily devotional will take  you through eight of Ellen White’s most significant books. Watch biblical history unfold in the Conflict of the Ages series. Delve deeper into Christ’s life with Steps to Christ, Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, and Christ’s Object Lessons.  Pacific Press (2007) 384pp. Hardcover


Dramatic Prophecies of Ellen White.  Reveals the stunning accuracy of world events divinely foretold by Ellen G. White.  This book will rekindle your faith in the Spirit of Prophecy and inspire you to look carefully at those predictions yet to be fulfilled. Pacific Press (2007) 192pp. Paperback




Never Been This Late Before.  The world around you is changing fast! And all the Bible signs of the end are rapidly converging. In this masterful commentary, you'll get astounding evidence--from natural disasters to spiritual falsehood and more--but even more important, you'll learn what should you be doing to be prepared. Also an awesome witnessing resource! Amazing Facts (2006)


Amazing Facts


Truth Matters.  Addresses the strengths and weaknesses of Rick Warren’s best-selling book The Purpose Driven Life and the movement that has resulted from it. While acknowledging that there is much of value in Warren’s book, and without questioning the Warren’s sincerity or motives, Douglass urges all to recognize that error is defeated, not by heated arguments, but by quiet truth. Pacific Press (2006) 224 pp.



Feast Days  -- Shadows of our faith.  Answers the question as to whether the church today stands in grave danger by rejecting the biblical "feast days." Amazing Facts (2006) 48 pp.

Amazing Facts


They Were There -- Stories of those who witnessed Ellen White's prophetic gift and believed. [Compiled/authored] Twenty-four stories of individuals who had their lives dramatically changed because of Ellen's visions regarding their lives, revealing circumstances that they alone could have known. PPPA (2005) 128 pp.


God At Risk. A fresh look at the cost of freedom for God, highlighting the purpose of the gospel, rising above the limited gospels in vogue today.  The first volume in print  to provide a comprehensive and detailed explanation of the Great Controversy, the Adventist message is seen in its cosmic dimensions. Amazing Facts (2004) 480 pp. Amazing Facts

Should We Ever Say, "I Am Saved"?  What it means to be assured of salvation—Now.  In these pages you will learn the difference between genuine and false assurance; how to have genuine assurance now; what Ellen White really said about assurance; how Grace relates to faith; what works, legalism, and perfection have to do with assurance, and much more.  If you long to be a happy child of God, delivered from doubt and filled with faith, this book is a must-read. PPPA (2003)



The Faith of Jesus. The fundamental misunderstanding of faith is one of the crucial reasons not only for the multiplicity of Christian churches but also for the wide variances interpreting almost every Biblical doctrine. For example, Seventh-day Adventist discussing the issue of righteousness by faith focus their attention on such terms as justification, sanctification, and even righteousness, and make the too-often erroneous assumption that everyone understands the nature of faith itself. What is faith? It is intellectual assent, a deep conviction, a trust in something or someone, or what? Revelation 14:12 declares that God's people before His return will have the "faith of Jesus." What is the faith of Jesus?  Reprinted and republished by TEACH Services (2002) 57 pp; orig. published 1991



Why Jesus Waits: how the sanctuary message explains the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist ChurchThe message of the sanctuary service service has been largely missed or misunderstood by the Christian Church. Nor have Seventh-day Adventists always perceived its practical thrust that gets at the heart of the person. Too often the sanctuary service is seen as depicting a sort of celestial legal bookkeeping that bears on the Christian's standing with God, but not on his total life. Uplifting Jesus as the heart of the sanctuary service, this book shows that from Him comes an empowerment that enables the Christian to live a life like His. Moreover, it convincingly demonstrates, in the light of the sanctuary service, that God is waiting for a people who will show that such lives can be lived. PPPA (2001) 96 pp. (prev. published 1987; 1976)




How to Survive in the 21st Century. An explanation of how to develop the qualities needed to prosper in the third millennium: enthusiasm, perseverance, and a winning attitude. Explains how to stop smoking, lose weight, conquer stress, increase physical fitness, solve problems by unleashing creativity, replace bad habits with good, and plan one’s destiny. Finally, the author takes the long view and reveals how to develop the fortitude to withstand the ultimate crisis of the ages. RHPA (2000)


Amazing Facts; ABC; LNF
Messenger of the Lord: the prophetic ministry of Ellen G. White, Considered to be the most comprehensive treatment ever produced of Ellen White’s prophetic ministry. It is the definitive work on how the prophetic gift functioned in her life and ministry. PPPA (1998) 587 pp. ABC; LNF

Rediscovering Joy. The missing element in the lives of most people, even professed Christians, is the ringing peal of joy. Everyone can either recover joy -- if lost -- or nurture it as the secret of life's strength. In focusing on Philippians and Colossians, you will hear anew the basic principles that guarantee joy. Paul, the biblical author, addressed clearly the paradox of his day as well as our own: the more we focus on self (its passions and its "rights"), the more perplexed and unsure we become. The more we seek for a lifestyle liberated from traditional restraints, the less we find reasons for joy In these pages you will hear Paul speak about the basic facts of life as viewed through the "faith of Jesus" -- unmovable, completely trustworthy facts that provide the foundation for joy. Far deeper than sensual satisfaction and material symbols of success, joy sings amid pain, faces up to crumbling dreams, and helps us to endure when the future is most uncertain. RHPA (1994)




Philippians & Colossians: His Mind in You. [Principle contributor] Adult Sabbath School Lessons, Third Quarter 1994.  Paul expresses gratitude for the faithfulness of the Philippian Christians, but wishes them to exalt Christ as supreme in their lives so that they will grow constantly toward true humility, love, unity, purity, and spiritual blamelessness. Just as his witness in Rome was being blessed with success, so would be theirs. Despite their strong faith, the Colossian Christians were exposed to Jewish and pagan legalism that threatened to retard their spiritual growth. Paul exalts Christ as the source of forgiveness and the means of growth toward spiritual maturity.  PPPA (1994)




The Faith of Jesus. Misunderstanding the meaning of "faith" lies at the root of most every theological controversy. The Christian church for centuries has argued over the meaning of "righteousness by faith" and terms such as justification, sanctification, and even righteousness, assuming that everyone understands the nature of faith -- an erroneous, tragic assumption. What is faith? Is it belief in a historical fact? A deep conviction? A trust in something or someone, or what? Revelation 14:12 declares that God's people before His return will have the "faith of Jesus." What kind of faith is that? This volume examines the misconceptions that have misled millions for centuries and presents the New Testament picture of faith that literally describes the person who keeps on saying Yes to God's --yes to whatever light that unfolds in the growing Christian life. published by Upward Way, Inc., Pleasant View, TN.  (1991)


LNF (2002 edition)

Why Jesus Waits: how the sanctuary message explains the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. THE The message of the sanctuary service has been largely missed or misunderstood by the Christian Church. Nor have Seventh-day Adventists always perceived its practical thrust that gets at the heart of the person. Too often the sanctuary service is seen as depicting a sort of celestial legal bookkeeping that bears on the Christian's standing with God, but not on his total life. Uplifting Jesus as the heart of the sanctuary service, this book shows that from Him comes an empowerment that enables the Christian to live a life like His. Moreover, it convincingly demonstrates, in the light of the sanctuary service, that God is waiting for a people who will show that such lives can be lived. RHPA 2nd ed [ 1987] 96 pp; 1st edition 1976]




[Letter] 1983, May 21 [to] Eric Webster, Cape Town, South Africa; a critical review of Webster’s dissertation, "A Critical Analysis of Christology By Seventh-day Adventists." (1983) 32pp.




How to Survive the '80s. [Co-authored, with Lewis R. Walton] The authors, a lawyer and a theologian, have combined their professional experiences and insights into a fascinating, readable "how to" book on surviving physically, mentally, emotionally in the fast-moving 1980s. PPPA (1982)




Hello Neighbor. Why Adventists are happy these days! Perhaps you have visited their hospitals or stopped smoking at one of their Five-Day Plans. Maybe you were one of thousands who received emergency assistance after a flood or fire from their Community Services programs. Or you may have enrolled your child in one of their local schools. Then again, you may have an Adventist neighbor or physician. Or a relative. And you have wondered -- Why do they seem to be more optimistic than others? Do they really have peace, or does it just seem that way? Perhaps you have asked, Who really are these people? What do Seventh-day Adventists believe? In a way, they are difference from most, but why? And you have a right to ask. This little booklet will try to answer some of your questions and introduce you to your Adventist friends who think you should have plenty of reasons to be happy too. PPPA (1982) 16 pp




Quietly, With Him. [narrated] A program of 90 daily devotional readings on cassette tape, with musical selections by a number of Chapel/Bridge recording artists.  Material has been taken from two books by Ellen G. White: "My Life Today" and "In Heavenly Places."  Produced by Chapel/Bridge Records, Mountain View, CA. (1981)


Parable of the Hurricane. Comparisons are drawn between the lack of preparations for two hurricanes, Camille and David, and preparations that should be made for the coming "storms" of the last days. PPPA (1980) 32 pp LNF

The End: unique voice of Adventists about the return of Jesus. Suggests where Hal Lindsey went wrong in "The Late Great Planet Earth." Explains how to relate the modern nation of Israel to last-day prophecy. Proposes suggestions as to why Jesus has not returned. Identifies the modern proponents of post- and pre-millennialism including the pre- and post-tribulationists. Highlights the fallacy of the secret-rapture theory. Outlines a series of events that will yet transpire before Jesus returns. Sets forth the concepts of conditional prophecy and the harvest principle. PPPA (1979) 192 pp.



Faith: Saying Yes to God.   Misunderstanding the meaning of "faith" lies at the root of most every theological controversy. The Christian church for centuries has argued over the meaning of "righteousness by faith" and terms such as justification, sanctification, and even righteousness, assuming that everyone understands the nature of faith -- an erroneous, tragic assumption. What is faith? Is it belief in a historical fact? A deep conviction? A trust in something or someone, or what? Revelation 14:12 declares that God's people before His return will have the "faith of Jesus." What kind of faith is that? This volume examines the misconceptions that have misled millions for centuries and presents the New Testament picture of faith that literally describes the person who keeps on saying Yes to God's --yes to whatever light that unfolds in the growing Christian life. Southern Publishing Assoc, Nashville, TN (1977) 95 pp




Jesus, the Model Man. [Adult Sabbath School Lessons, Second Quarter 1977] This lesson focuses on Jesus, God become man. As the "Word" of God, Jesus was concerned about making the mind and heart of God clear to man; as the "Son of man," His chief goal was to convince the universe that the happiest, safest, and healthiest way to live is God's way. Any theological subject worth considering should be some aspect of what Jesus made clear regarding God in His relation to sin and the sinner. PPPA (1977)




Jesus, the Benchmark of Humanity. [Co-authored with Leo Van Dolson] Seventh-day Adventists look to two inspired sources of information that help answer questions about who Jesus is and the meaning of human existence - - Scripture and the writings of Ellen White. The authors direct the reader's attention to the assertions of both witnesses that Jesus was not only God but also man--fully man, though never sinning. Thus, when we want to know what God intends us to be, we have only one place to turn to--the most truly human being ever to lie on planet Earth--Jesus, our Benchmark. RHPA (1977) 128 pp



Why Jesus Waits: How the sanctuary message explains the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church - The message of the sanctuary service has been largely missed or misunderstood by the Christian church. Nor have Seventh-day Adventists always perceived its practical thrust that gets at the heart of the person. Too often the sanctuary service is seen as depicting a sort of celestial legal book-keeping that bears on the Christian's standing with God, but not on his total life. Uplifting Jesus as the heart of the sanctuary service, this book shows that from Him comes an empowerment that enables the Christian to live a life like His. Moreover, it convincingly demonstrates, in the light of the sanctuary service, that God is waiting for a people who will show that such lives can be lived. (1976) 61 pp.


LNF (2001 edition)

We Found This Faith [Edited; a companion book to Why I Joined].  You will find in this small book, heart speaking to heart, as men and women tell their story of spiritual struggle and triumph. Of necessity much detail had to be omitted. But these small windows into the life of each contributor will quicken the reader's pulse at the sweep of circumstances, crises, and the rising of courage to the challenge that each has experienced. Although their backgrounds have varied, these contributors witness to the new strength and peace found in the lordship of Jesus Christ and in the Seventh-day Adventist fellowship. RHPA (1975) 63 pp


Men of Faith: the showcase of God's grace in Perfection: the Impossible Possibility. [a compendium, including Edward Heppenstall, Hans LaRondelle and Mervyn Maxwell] Southern Publishing Association, Nashville, TN (1975) 200 pp LNF


Faith in Action. [Adult Sabbath School Lessons, Third Quarter, 1975]  Lessons on 1st and 2nd Timothy and Titus focused on how one generation passes on the Christian witness to the next. The credibility of the gospel rests, not primarily in the strange message our Lord’s followers proclaimed but in their own personal witness of what this message had done form them. Love as never before imagined now motivated whole communities of believers. PPPA (1975)


Why I joined ... moving stories of changed lives, as told to Herbert E. Douglass" RHPA  (1974) 63 pp LNF


The Unique Contribution of Adventist Eschatology, in a series of Bible Conferences promoted by Biblical Research Institute, Washington, DC. (1974)




What Ellen White Has Meant To Me. [Edited] Only a person in his seventies, or older, would likely recall seeing Ellen White and listening to her speak. A generation has arisen that knows her not, personally, and with the passing of time there is a real and present danger that the vivid conviction made upon the minds and hearts of those who were eye and ear witnesses -- that indeed God spoke to her and through her -- will fade like the handwriting on the Magna Charta or the Declaration of Independence. The solution to this problem is not to preserve her voluminous writings in a vacuum with a trace of helium to prevent mildew, but to witness their impact on the thinking and in the lives of those of our own generation who have known her, vicariously to be sure, through personal experience with the effects of her inspired counsel in their own lives and in the life of the church. In these short essays they share their inmost thoughts and convictions about Ellen White as God's appointed messenger to the church today. RHPA (1973) 226 pp.



If I Had One Sermon to Preach. [Edited] In this volume, selected preachers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church present their choice sermons on a wide range of topics, each vital to the understanding and practice of a living, pulsating faith. In an equally wide range of style, length, and emphasis, diversity is demonstrated as an integral part of the reason why God has chosen human mouthpieces to proclaim His "good news." Christianity is here upheld as not merely a name or a title, but a way, the way, of life eternal. Further, the introductory essay defines and describes the essence of preaching as it is presented in the New Testament. RHPA (1972) 190 pp.




Faith as an Existential Experience in "Existentialism : a survey and assessment" [by Edward Heppenstall, et al.] Biblical Research Committee (1971)




Emil Brunner’s Theology of Preaching in Andrews University University Seminary Studies, Vol. V, 1967, No. 1. (1967)




Encounter with Brunner: an analysis of Emil Brunner's proposed transcendence of the subjectivism-objectivism dichotomy in relation to Christian proclamation. Dissertation (D.Th.) - Pacific School of Religion (1964)




A Brief Review of Adventist Eschatology (Last-day Events). Privately Published (1963)




An Investigation of the Seventh-day Adventist Concept of an Imminent Second advent. Term paper--Andrews University, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary (1957)



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